The NIMBY Pledge

"The NIMBY PLEDGE is a pledge by celebrities, charities, activists, professionals and communities to come together to produce and take part in socially conscious entertainment that makes a real difference. Our goal is to inspire the next generation, by encouraging everyone that giving back is the most glamorous thing we can all do to make positive change."

NIMBY (is an acronym for the phrase "Not In My Back Yard") 
“Not In My Backyard” is a poignant documentary about battered women and homeless children in America. It really shows how we live in an unjust and antiquated world where old out of date laws never change, and people with closed viewpoints from the past remain to this very day.

To our dismay, across America shelters, organizations, charities, foundations, and community centers all over the nation have been losing funding, leaving these many needed programs, safe havens, and their dedicated staff scrambling to keep these programs a float. As demands rise and the number of people falling to poverty increases, the cut backs continue and these safe havens are forced to turn away individuals and families in need. Many shelters have had to close down! With over 3 million homeless Americans and counting, we felt compelled to show and make people aware of this severe social issues plaguing individuals and families in OUR OWN BACK YARDS.

The documentary was produced & directed by Jacquelyn Aluotto, a strong activist in the fight to save humanity. Since The Documentary Release, Jacquelyn along with the help of her community & friends has created: The NIMBY Project & The NIMBY Experience.

Learn More About Jacquelyn Aluotto & Her Work:
Break The Cycle

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