Take The Nimby Pledge With Luis Guzman & make a commitment to help your community by reaching out to all of the local agencies that help our neighbors live happy productive lives.
"SEE ME" - Luis Guzmán goes uncover as a homeless person...
To our dismay, across America shelters, organizations, charities, foundations, and community centers all over the nation have been losing funding, leaving these many needed programs, safe havens, and their dedicated staff scrambling to keep these programs a float. As demands rise and the number of people falling to poverty increases, the cut backs continue and these safe havens are forced to turn away individuals and families in need. Many shelters have had to close down! With over 3 million homeless Americans and counting, we felt compelled to show and make people aware of this severe social issues plaguing individuals and families in OUR OWN BACK YARDS.
The Nimby Experience Show was created to inspire and make people aware of issues plaguing this society. There are so many issue plaguing our back yard and people suffering that we hope that this show is a movement that reaches the masses and that we can all stand together and make a difference. Our goal is to eradicate violence, poverty, and abuse in our Own Back Yards.
-World Peace Begins At Home-Give A Dollar, Give A Hand, Give Hope.